Nonbillable Entries
There is a Nonbillable toggle in the options menu at the bottom of a time entry, when permitted. Juris Go understands the Matter status of an entry, and will set the status to the same billability status as the default setting.
Automatic Nonbillable Status: If a matter is set up as nonbillable, all time for that matter will have nonbillable status by default.
Specify Nonbillable Time: If you are permitted, you can designate individual time as nonbillable.
Filter My Time Lists by Billable Status: You can choose to show only billable time, only nonbillable time, or both using the settings found by tapping the Filter
icon and opening the Status filter settings.
NOTE: Juris Go will honor Juris Suite permissions. If a timekeeeper cannot change the billability status in Juris Suite, they also cannot change the billability status in Juris Go.