Reconcile Bank Accounts can be used to reconcile your bank accounts in Juris with their respective bank statements. It is designed to be easy to navigate and is also customizable to the your preferences.
Double-click the icon or description for the account to be reconciled.
The Bank Accounts\[bank code] window opens.
Select Tools > Reconcile.
Several screen customization and navigation options are available:
Right-click on the checkbox shown in the column heading of the Checks and Payments list as well as the Deposits and other credits list to view item selection options or to restore the column headings to their default arrangement.
Right-click on the check box shown in the column heading of the Checks and Payments list as well as the Deposits and other credits list to view item selection options or to restore the column headings to their default arrangement.
Some entries may appear on the statement that are not listed in Juris in the Checks and Payments or the Deposits and other credits list. These entries may be added to the system by clicking the New button - or by selecting Form>New. The new entry form allows A/P Check, Trust Check, Deposit, ATM, Reconciling Entry, Bank Charge, Interest Income, Wire Transfer or Other items to be entered. A negative amount entered will place the item on the Checks and Payments side and a positive amount entered will place the item on the Deposits and other credits side.
Entries cannot be removed from the check register, and can only be reversed by entering a second, offsetting entry. Make sure that the following information on new entries is correct before saving.
When the Unreconciled Difference is = 0, then the Reconcile option will become enabled. Click the Reconcile button on the toolbar or select Form>Reconcile.
Click the OK button.