Verify the 1099 status of a vendor

There may be times when you need to find out whether or not a vendor receives a 1099 at the end of the year. For example, when you refund trust, you need to check the vendor's 1099 status, to ensure that a trust refund is not going to be reported on a Form 1099 at the end of the year.

Take the following steps to check whether or not a vendor receives a 1099:

  1. Start Juris and log in, to open the main Juris window.
  2. Selecting a vendor from the main window

  3. Double-click Tables, to expand the folder.
  4. Double-click Vendors, to expand the folder.
  5. Double-click the icon or description for the vendor.

    The Vendors window opens, displaying the information for the vendor you selected.

    Vendors window

  6. Click the Flags tab.

    Vendors, Flags tab

  7. Verify that the status of the Gets 1099 check box is correct:

    • If the check box is "selected" (checked), it indicates that the vendor has been setup to receive a 1099.
    • If the check box is "not selected" (not checked), it indicates that the vendor has not been setup to receive a 1099.
  8. Click the window Close button to close the Vendors window.

Related information

Vendor overview

Tables overview

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