Select prebills

To make the appropriate selection for Prebills, perform the following: See Figure 1.0

  1. Select Billing.
  2. Click on the Select Prebills icon in the right panel.

    The Billing\Select Prebills window opens.

    Billing\Select Prebills window

  3. Click on the Include Fees check box to select it, if you want to include all bills on which there are fee charges.
  4. Click on the Include Expenses check box to select it, if you want include all bills on which there are expense charges.
  5. Click on the Charge Interest check box to select it, if you want to include all bills on which there are interest charges.
  6. In the Begin Date box, accept the default or type in the date you want to start with.
  7. In the End Datebox, accept the default or type in the date with which you want to end.
  8. In the Bill Date box, accept the default (today's date) or type in the date that you want displayed on the prebills.
  9. Click the Select by arrow and select the option you want.

    • Frequency - This option allows you to select bills based on their Billing Frequency.
    • Cycle - This option allows you to select bills based on the Cycle set at the Matter Level.   

    • Billing Timekeeper - This option allows you to select prebills for matters with a particular Billing Timekeeper.
    • Client/All Matters - This option allows you to select prebills for all matters and consolidations for a particular client.
    • Consolidation Name OR Matter - This option allows you to specifically list each Consolidation or each Matter that you would like to select.
    • Client Range - This option allows you to select prebills for a range of clients.
  10. Click on the Sort By arrow, and select the option you want to use.
  11. Click on the Office if there is more than one office available, and select an office.
  12. (Optional) Click the Print Prebills check box to select it, if you .

    If checked, the 'Printer' combo box is enabled and displays the default printer on your PC, but also allows you to select another printer.

  13. (Optional) Click on the Printer arrow if you want to select a different printer.
  14. Type or select the appropriate options, based on the 'Select by' option you chose in step 9.

  15. Click the Begin Selection button to start the process.

    During the process, you are prompted to decide whether or not to continue without deleting open prebills.

  16. When prompted, select the option that matches the action you want to take.

    After the process has finished, you are prompted to decide whether or not to view a report of skipped prebills.

  17. Click Yes to view the Skipped Prebills Report.

    If you clicked Yes, the report is displayed and ready to be printed.