Unpost a bill

When a bill is accidentally posted , or a bill must be unposted in order to re-select it, you can use the Unpost bill feature to unpost the bill. Note that once a bill is unposted, a new prebill must be generated and all edits made to the original bill are lost.


Unposting cannot be reversed, it can only be undone by re-billing exactly as originally billed.


If a bill has a Cash Receipt or Credit Memo applied to the A/R balance, you cannot unpost without reversing those transactions. Attempts to unpost produce the error "Bill cannot be unposted because a cash receipt, credit memo, or trust adjustment has been applied to the bill".

To unpost a bill:

  1. Start Juris and log in, to open the main Juris window.
  2. Unpost bill selected in main window

  3. Double-click Billing.
  4. Double-click Unpost  Bills.

    The Billing\Unpost Bills window opens.

    Billings, unpost bill window

  5. Select a Unpost in period of option:

    • Today's Date - un-posts the bill on today's date, in the current period.
    • Original Period - un-posts the bill on the same date, and in the same period as the original bill.In the
  6. In the A/R Bill # row, type the bill (invoice) number of the bill you need to un-post, and press the Tab key.


    Manual Bills and bills that have Cash receipts, Credit Memos and Trust Adjustments applied cannot be unposted.

  7. Review the bill to ensure that you have selected the bill you need to un-post.
  8. Click Unpost.

    You are asked to confirm your action.

    Unpost bill confirmation - click yes

  9. Click Yes, to un-post.

    You are returned to Billing\Unpost bills window

  10. Click the window Close button to close the User IDs\[user id] window.

Consolidated bill tips

Split bill tips


Normally discounts apply to fees but can be applied to a % of the bill (this is set up under the matter).

What happens if the discount applied is greater than the fees billed?

Example bill where Discount > Fees Billed

Split bill image where the discount is greater than the the fees billed

Example of the Ledger History

Ledger History example

For Bill #65 a –$100.00 fee entry was made because the original amount of fees was only $400.00.  Since the discount was in the amount of $500.00 the process tries to apply the full amount of the discount to fees first.  Then a  -$100.00 cash entry was made to balance the negative fee entry.  Next a +$100.00 (the remaining $$ of the $500.00 discount) was applied to Expenses.  Note the comments line.