Write off a matter or client balance

Write off a matter balance

To write off a matter balance in the Batch window:

  1. Open the batch that contains the client matter you want to write off.

    Tools, Write Off Balance menu option

  2. Click on the Client/Matter row to select it.
  3. Select Tool >Write Off Balance in the batch window.

To write off a matter balance in a Credit Memo window:

  1. Create a new Credit Memo.

    Client/Matter window, Write Off Balance $0 toolbar button


    You must specify a Client and a Matter in the Credit Memo window.

  2. In the Client box, type or click the ellipses button to select the client code.
  3. In the Matter box, type or click the ellipses button to select the matter code.
  4. Click on the $0 button on the toolbar.

    The Apply column shows the zero (0) amount after you click the button.

Write off a client balance

To write off a client balance:

  1. Select Transactions > Credit Memos.

    Transactions, Credit Memos, Write off multiple bills selection

  2. Locate and click on the credit memo batch, to select it.
  3. Select Tools > Write off multiple billsfrom the menu.

    The Bill Finder window opens.

    Bill Finder window

  4. In the Client box, type the client code, or click the ellipses button to search for and select the client code.
  5. Click the Get Bills button.

    The window displays a list of available bills.

    Bills Finder window - with found bills selected

    By default, all bills are selected for write off.

  6. Click on the bills that you do not want to write off, to remove their check mark. Ensure that the check mark remains on the bills you want to write off.


    Selecting all of the bills writes off the entire matter.

  7. Click the Write Off button to complete the process.


The Write Off Balance option can be used as a shortcut, instead of entering a negative entry to write off particular amounts on a bill.  The Write Off balance option only becomes enabled if you have placed focus on a balance item on either the Summary, Fees or Expenses tab. The Write Off Balance feature can be accessed by selecting Tools > Write Off Balance.


Example 1: The user must have the focus placed on any item in the BALANCE column of the Summary, Fees or Expenses tab for the Write Of Balance option to become enabled.
The balance columns of the Fees, Summary and Expenses tabs are shown highlighted.  Clicking on any field in any of these columns will place the focus in that location, enabling the Write Off Balance option. See Figure 5.0

Example 2: In this example, the focus is placed on the Adjustment column (which is highlighted in the example shown for clarification).  Since the item selected is not a Balance item, the style="font-style: italic;">Write Off button is disabled. See Figure 6.0

Example 3: Once the focus is placed on a value in the Balance column, the style="font-style: italic;">Write Off button becomes enabled. Clicking the style="font-style: italic;">Write Off Balance button will automatically insert a negative adjustment amount for the selected value, as shown here. If the value selected is the Total value, then all appropriate negative adjustments will be filled in automatically for the associated detailed items. See Figure 7.0