
Adjustments Applied

Total of all A/R Adjustments applied since last bill.

Amount Last Payment

Amount of last payment made (not necessarily all payments made since last bill).  Payments include cash applied to Prepaid or to an existing bill, and does not include deposits to trust accounts.

Balance Due

Grand total due on bill, including prior balances, payments received current charges and discounts, prepaid and trust applied, etc.  

Net Current Charges + Net Balance Forward

Balance Forward

Balance Due from last bill before any payments or adjustments have been applied.

Cash Expenses Billed

Total of cash expenses on this bill

Discount Billed

The total discount applied to this bill.  

(Fees Billed x Fee Discount%) + (Expenses Billed x Expense Discount%)

Discount Total Billed

Total Current Charges less discount applied to this bill.

Total Billed - Discount Billed

Expense Balance Due

Expenses Billed less prepaid and trust applied

Expenses Billed

Total Expenses on this bill before any discounts applied.  

Fee Balance Due

Total fees less prepaid and trust applied.  

Fee Expense Discount Total

Total of all fees and expenses on this bill less discounts applied.

(Fees Billed + Expenses Billed) - Discount Billed

Fee Expense Total

Total of all fees and expenses on this bill before any discounts, surcharge or taxes are applied.

Fees Billed + Expenses Billed

Fees Billed

Total Fees on this bill before any discounts are applied

Interest Balance Due

Interest Billed less any prepaid and trust applied

Interest Billed

Amount of interest charges on the balance of the bill after all discounts, payments and adjustments, and prior to all surcharge or taxes have been applied.

Net Balance Forward x Interest %

Net Balance Forward

Balance carried forward from the previous bill.

Balance Due from last bill + Adjustments Applied - Payments Applied

Net Current Charges

Current charges less Prepaid and Trust funds applied

Discount Total Billed - Prepaid Applied - Trust Amount Applied

Net Discounted Fees Billed

Total fees billed less any discount applied to those fees.

Fees Billed - (Fees Billed x Fee Discount%)

Noncash Expenses Billed

Total of non-cash expenses on this bill

Payments Applied

All payments applied since last bill, including PPD applied since last bill.

Prepaid Applied

Amount of prepaid applied to this bill.  Prepaid will be automatically applied (if available) when the prebill is selected.

Prepaid Beginning Balance

Amount of Prepaid available before any was applied to the current bill.

Prepaid Ending Balance

Amount of Prepaid remaining after prepaid has been applied to the current bill.

Prepaid Beginning Balance - Prepaid Applied

Surcharge Balance Due

Surcharge Billed less any prepaid and trust applied

Surcharge Billed

Surcharge applied to this bill

(Fees Billed x Surcharge%) + (Expenses Billed x Surcharge%)

Tax Balance Due

Total of all taxes on this bill less any prepaid and trust applied to taxes

Tax Billed

Subtotal of all taxes on this bill

Tax 1 + Tax 2 + Tax 3


Total Tax1 charged on this bill.  Tax1 determined by settings in Tables > Office.  Tax may be charged to Fees, Cash Expenses, Non Cash Expenses, and Surcharge.
(Taxable Fees + Taxable Expenses + Surcharge) x Tax 1%


Total Tax2 charged on this bill.  Tax2 determined by settings in Tables > Office.  Tax may be charged to Fees, Cash Expenses, Non Cash Expenses, Surcharge and Tax1.

(Taxable Fees + Taxable Expenses + Surcharge + Tax1) x Tax 2%


Total Tax3 charged on this bill.  Tax3 determined by settings in Tables > Office.  Tax may be charged to Fees, Cash Expenses, Non Cash Expenses, Surcharge, Tax1 and Tax2.

(Taxable Fees + Taxable Expenses + Surcharge + Tax1 + Tax2) x Tax 3%

Taxable Expense Total

Total of taxable expenses on this bill

Taxable Fee Total

Amount of taxable fees less any discount applied to the taxable fees.

Total Billed

Total current charges before any discount is applied.

Fees Billed + Expenses Billed + Surcharge Billed + Interest Billed + Taxes Billed

Total Billed Before Split

Total fees and expenses before discounts and splits

Trust Amount Applied

Amount of trust applied to this bill.  Trust will NOT be automatically applied when the prebill is selected and must be applied during Edit Prebills.

Trust Balance

Amount of Trust funds remaining after Trust has been applied to the current bill.

Trust Balance Before Applied - Trust Amount Applied

Trust Balance Before Applied

Amount of Trust available before any was applied to the current bill.


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