Expense Entry preferences

Expense Entry Preferences may be accessed by selecting Tools > Preferences from within the Expense Entry form.

These preferences are saved on a user by user basis, and may be used to enable continuous new mode, auto-duplication, and notes. The differences are listed below.

Expense Entry Preferences

Use Continuous New Mode

This option will cause a new expense entry form to open each time an expense entry is saved.

...Auto-duplicate Date

Used in conjunction with Continuous New Mode, this option will automatically populate the Date field with the same date as used on the last expense entry.

...Auto-duplicate Client/Matter

Used in conjunction with Continuous New Mode, this option will automatically populate the Client and Matter fields with the same Client and Matter as used on the last expense entry.

...Auto-duplicate Expense Code

Used in conjunction with Continuous New Mode, this option will automatically populate the Expense Code field with the same Expense Code as used on the last expense entry.

...Auto-duplicate Incurred By

Used in conjunction with Continuous New Mode, this option will automatically populate the Incurred By field with the same Incurred By (timekeeper) as used on the last expense entry.

Use Note Field

This option will enable the NOTE field on the expense entry form.


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