Using Attachments

File attachments can be added to expense entries within Juris. Proceed to one of the following topics below for more information:

About Support File Formats

Most file formats are supported for use as attachments including, but not limited to, the following:


Attachments are not included in eBilling.

Using Expense Attachments

File attachments can be added to expenses using the Attachment(s) text box. For more information, see Creating an Expense Entry.

Once added, an attachment icon appears in the first column on the expense's main dialog box.

You can view attachments by double-clicking an expense on the main expense dialog box, and then double-clicking the attachment itself in the Attachment(s) text box on the expense details dialog box.

Even if an entry has been posted, its attachments can still be viewed. However, no changes can be made to the attachment.

Using Payment Voucher (Expense Distributions) Attachments

Attachment's can be added to a payment voucher via the voucher's expense distribution.

  1. Access the Expense Distributions Batch dialog box by double-clicking the Expense Distributions button on the payment voucher dialog box.

    The Expense Distributions Batch dialog box appears, showing all defined expense distributions. If the batch contains an attachment, an icon appears in the left column (as highlighted below).

  2. Double-click an existing batch to open it, or click the New button to create a new batch.

    The Expense Distribution dialog box appears. Attachments can be viewed or added using the Attachment(s) text box at the bottom of the dialog box.

  3. Note

    Once the payment voucher is posted, you can still view its attachments via the expense batch and entry created by the payment voucher. Although you can still view attachments at this point, no changes can be made. For more information on using payment vouchers, see Payment Vouchers overview.

Deleting Attachments

You can remove attachments using either of the following methods, based on the current status of the entry: