Cross References

Some firms need to use the Expense Code Xref or Task Code Xref values on their exported bills rather than the standard Task and Expense codes assigned to the matter.  If this is the case, the firm must use a specially designed format to export the correct Task and Expense values.

The last letter of the BX filename indicates if that item uses a Xref instead of the standard schedule.  A filename that ends in E uses the Expense Code Xref - and a filename that ends in X uses both the Task Code and Expense Code Xref schedules.

For example, the standard LEDES format created by Juris is called LEDS.bx.  There is a version called LEDE.bx that uses the Expense Code Xref - and the format LEDX.bx uses both the Task Code and Expense Code Xref schedules.

If you are using a format that does not have a corresponding E or X version available - and you need to export Xref information, then contact Juris support to request that a Xref version be created.


When using the Xref formats, it is required that the bill format assigned to the matters has the Xref values included in the format design.