Back up and restore Juris SQL database

There are several tools that can be used to backup the Juris databases. However, in this document, we cover only the Juris Management Console backup and restore procedures. For more information regarding the other software packages, please see the Backing Up and Restoring the Juris SQL Database article on the Juris Support Center.

Backup Juris SQL database

To back up the Juris SQL database:

  1. Verify that all users have closed out of Juris.
  2. Click the Windows Start button.
  3. Select Start > Programs or All Programs in Windows 7.
  4. Select Juris > Administrative Tools > Juris Management Console, to open the console.

    Juris management console, database utilities

  5. Double-click Juris Management Console, to expand the folder.
  6. Double-click [your firm's name] to expand the folder.
  7. Click the Database folder, to select it.
  8. Select Action > All Tasks > Backup on the menu, to open the Juris Backup wizard.


    If you save to the same device and file every time, and do not want to enter a different file name, you can simply click on the Backup link (or icon) in the Database Utilities pane (the right pane,) and then go directly to step 14 to start the backup.

    Juris management console, backup wizard start

  9. Click the right arrow to display backup device information.

    Juris management console - backup device selection

  10. Click the Backup Device arrow, and select the device to which you want to back up.


    If you have not yet setup a backup device, you need to do so before you can continue with step 11.

  11. Click the right arrow button to display media information.

    Juris management console - backup media window


    The Media Name box is automatically populated from the Windows System Clock. Please do not change the default..

  12. In the Media Description box, accept the default, or type a short description.
  13. Click the right arrow button to display the Backup information.

    Juris managment console, backup confirmation

  14. You have the option of changing the Backup Name, Backup Description and/or Backup Expiration Date at this point.

  15. Optional) Make changes to Backup Name, Backup Description and/or Backup Expiration Date.
  16. When done, click the right arrow once to display the Backup Confirmation listing.

    Juris management console - backup confirmation 2

  17. Click Finish, to start the backup.
  18. When the backup is finished, you receive notification via a report in the Juris Management Objects window.

  19. Click the window Close button, to close the Juris Management Objects window.


If you backup to a file, the file should be copied or moved onto a tape, CD, or other removable media to protect yourself in the event of a hard drive failure. Once the backup file has been copied to other media, the file residing on the server must be deleted before the next backup can be performed successfully.

Restore Juris SQL database

To restore the Juris SQL database:

  1. Verify that all users have closed out of Juris.
  2. Click the Windows Start button.
  3. Select Start > Programs or All Programs in Windows 7.
  4. Select Juris > Administrative Tools > Juris Management Console, to open the console.

    Juris management console - restore option

  5. Double-click Juris Management Console, to expand the folder.
  6. Double-click [your firm's name] to expand the folder.
  7. Double-click Database to display the Database Utilities in the pane on the right.
  8. Click Restore in the right pane, to open the Juris Restore wizard.

    Juris management console - restore wizard window

  9. Click the right arrow button to display the Available Devices information.
  10. Juris management console, restore - available devices

  11. Click the backup device you want to restore from, to select it.
  12. Click the right arrow button to display the Available Media Sets information.

    Juris managment console, restore - available media sets

  13. Click the media set you want to restore from, to select it.
  14. Click the right arrow button to display the Available Backup Sets information.

    Juris management console - available backup sets

  15. Click the backup set you want to restore, to select it.
  16. Select the Force Overwrite check box, if you want to overwrite the current Juris data.
  17. Click the right arrow button to display the restore confirmation listing.

    Juris management console, restore - backup confirmation list

  18. Click the Finish button, to start the restore.

  19. When the restore is finished, you receive notification via a report in the Juris Management Objects window.

  20. Click the X button, to close the Juris Management Objects window.

Related information

Maintenance overview

Related tasks

Database maintenance