Timekeepers overview

Timekeepers are employees that track and bill their worked time. An employee may be both a user and a timekeeper, but a timekeeper is not necessarily a Juris user (i.e. employees are not required to have a Juris user ID in order to be entered as a timekeeper in the Juris system).


Timekeepers are automatically added to the Firm’s Standard Fee Schedule as defined in Firm Options but may also be added to any other Fee Schedule as desired. Timekeepers may also be allowed or even required on Expense Entry as the ‘Incurred By’ Timekeeper. User-Defined Fields may be created for Timekeepers as well.


A Timekeeper may be set to Inactive in order to prevent users from entering time for a particular timekeeper, or to open up space for another Active Timekeeper (which only applies to those using Juris Startup Edition  - which limits the total number of Active Timekeepers allowed.)