Edit fee and expense detail items

Typing a change directly into a field in edit is an easy way to edit fee or expense details, but what about when the field that needs to be edited is not available on the prebill?

To edit a fee or expense detail item in a prebill:

  1. Open the prebill you need to edit.

    1. Select Billing.
    2. Click the Edit Prebill icon in the right pane.
    3. Click on the Prebill # of the prebill you need to edit, to select it.
    4. Select Form > Open from the menu.

    5. The Billing\Edit Prebill \[prebill number] window opens.

    Edit fee and expense detail item window

  2. Hover in the right margin of a fee or expense entry, and then right-click in the blue area of a selected entry, to open a drop-down menu listing all available options.


    Multiple fee or expense details may be selected using Ctrl or Shift while clicking on each entry, so that an option can be applied to multiple entries simultaneously.

  3. Select the option that coincides with what you need to do.
    (Click on the arrow below that corresponds to your selection, for details about that option.)


    Multiple items may be selected for Edit, Bill, Suppress, Hold, Mark Off, Delete, or WIP Transfer. To do this, hold thee Ctrl or Shift key while clicking on the blue handle to the left of each item. After all items have been selected, select the option to apply (Edit, Bill, Suppress, Hold, Mark Off, Delete, or WIP Transfer). You can only click on multiple items within the same group; the system does not allow items in different groups to be simultaneously selected.