Edit a Prebill

Edit Prebills is the area where the data on the prebill may be modified based on the attorney’s needs.  A Prebill’s Status may be viewed at any time on the Prebill List Form which is displayed when first selecting Edit Prebills.

To Edit a Prebill:

  1. Select Billing.
  2. Double-click the Edit Prebill icon in the right pane.

    The Billing\Edit Prebills window opens.

    Billing\Edit Prebills window

  3. (Optional) Select View > Filter to specifically define which prebills to list in the Prebill list.

    View Options window

    The filter option allows the Index to filter bills by their Status, Date Range, User Selected/Edited By, Billing Timekeeper combinations of these criteria.

  4. Scroll through the list to find the prebill you want to edit,


    Use the Find tool to search for it.

    The find feature may be used to find any information in the prebill edit screen, including any data fields on the bill design. Text fields on the bill design are ignored.

  5. Select Form > Open to open the prebill in the Billing\Edit Prebill\Prebill # [number you selected] window.

    Prebill open for editing

    In this window you can perform a simple edit on any entry under the Professional Services section of the Prebill, or perform an edit on fee or expense detail items. The steps below are for simple entry level edits. If you need to edit fee or expense detail items, please see the Edit fee and expense detail items topic for instructions - begin with step 2 in that topic.


    Only certain parts of the entries listed under the Professional Services section of the prebill are editable; the date, text, hours or expenses and amount. You cannot edit any of the Balance Summary section data or totals.

  6. Click on the entry field you need to edit, and then type your change.

    If invalid data is accidentally entered, press the ESC key on your keyboard to revert field back to the original value.


    Save periodically when editing items on a prebill as no changes are saved until the prebill  is saved.  The system will prompt to save all changes when exiting the prebill edit template, but it is a good practice to save after making an edit to assure that changes are not inadvertently lost.

  7. (Optional) Right-click on the blue area of an entry, to access other options such as:


    Multiple items may be selected for Edit, Bill, Suppress, Hold, Mark Off, Delete, or WIP Transfer. To do this, hold the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking on the blue handle to the left of each item. After all items have been selected, select the option to apply (Edit, Bill, Suppress, Hold, Mark Off, Delete, or WIP Transfer). You can only click on multiple items within the same group; the system does not allow items in different groups to be simultaneously selected.

  8. (Optional) Select Tools > Prepaid / Trust Allocations, to access features to allocate Prepaid funds and Trust funds.

    Prepaid funds, if available, are automatically applied when prebills are selected.  Trust funds should be applied manually during the prebill edit process.

    The funds may be applied (or removed) in each of the following manners:

    • If the Prepaid and Trust fields are designed in the bill format, simply click in the field and type the amount to apply.  
    • If the Prepaid and Trust fields are not designed in the bill format:

      1. Select Tools > Prepaid/Trust Allocation from the Prebill edit window to open the detailed allocation window.

        Prepaids \ Trust Allocations window

        In this window you can specifically allocate funds to particular bill items, such as cash expenses, noncash expenses, fees, etc.  You can also allocate to specific Timekeepers or Expense Codes.  

      2. Double-click on the Prepaid or Trust by Account cell in the row that corresponds to the fees or expenses you need to allocate.


        You cannot allocation more than the prepaid or trust that is available.

      3. Type the amount you want to allocate.

        This applies the funds according to the default allocations in Setup and Manage.  The system warns you if the amount applied exceeds the funds available.

      4. Repeats steps b and c for each allocation you need to make.
      5. When finished, click the Window's Close button (x in the right top corner) to close the window.
  9. (Optional) Click on the Action Code column of a prebill in the Edit List and select the action code you want to use. 

    The action codes determine the type of detail that should be generated for the bill.  Action codes may be assigned in edit prebill – but they may also be pre-determined at the matter level by using Quick Action codes.

    Action options

  10. Select Form > Print Preview to preview a Printed Prebill or to preview the final bill as it will be printed.


    The system requires that you save any changes to the prebill before it allows you to go to print preview.

    The Prebill can be reprinted or the final bill can be printed from this screen as well.