Post a Bill


Do not interrupt the Posting Process. If this process is interrupted, it could cause corruption of the data requiring that the data be restored from backup.  Do not use other applications or processes on your PC while Posting Bills.

To post Bills:

  1. Double-click Billing.

    Billing, Post Bills selection

  2. Double-click the Post Bills icon.

    The Billing\Post Bills window opens.

    Billing, Post Bills window - Ready to Post section

  3. Select the options that corresponds to the bills you want to post.

    • All Bills marked ‘Ready to Post’ - Post all bills that have a status of ‘Ready to Post’ in Edit Prebills.  


    • All Bills marked ‘Ready to Post’ by: [User] - Post all bills that have the status of ‘Ready to Post’ when the user matches the one selected.


    • All Bills marked ‘Ready to Post’ by: [Billing Timekeeper] - Post all bills that have the status of ‘Ready to Post’ when the billing timekeeper matches the one selected.


    • ‘Ready to Post’ Bills Selected below - Post specific bills by entering or selecting bill numbers.

  4. Click the Begin Posting button to begin the posting process after the criteria for posting has been selected.


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