Section Properties

The items in the Properties tab may be grouped or sorted alphabetically.  The groups for the properties are Appearance Properties, Behavior Properties, and Position Properties.  The details will be discussed below ordered by these groups.


Back Color

Available in all sections. May be set to any color in the palette; but will default to white. The back color will determine the background color of the entire section. If a back color is needed, the Back Style should be set to ‘Solid’ or the color will not appear in edit or when printed.

Back Style

Available in all sections. May be set to Solid or Transparent; but will default to Transparent.

Can Grow

Available for all sections. May be set to True or False; but will default to True. When true, the height of the section will grow to accommodate the contents of the section. When false, the section’s height will not grow even if the contents of the section cannot fit inside the section as drawn.

Can Shrink

Available for all sections. May be set to True or False; but will default to False. When true, the height of the section will shrink to accommodate the contents of the section. When false, the section’s height will not shrink even if the section is larger than necessary to accommodate the contents of the section.

Display Mode

Available for all sections. May be set to Both, Prebill Only or Final Bill Only; but will default to Both. Will determine if the section will print on the Prebill, Final Bill or both Prebill and Final Bill. Will have no affect on the view in Edit Prebills – all sections will appear in Edit Prebills regardless of this setting.

Group Keep Together

Available in Group Header sections. May be set to None, First Detail or All; but will default to None. When set to None, no keep together functionality will be used. When set to First Detail, then the entire group header must print on the same page as the first line of detail for that section or the section will begin printing on the next page. When set to All, then the entire group header and all lines of detail must print on the same page or the section will begin printing on the next page.

Keep Together

Available in all sections. May be set to True or False; but will default to false. When false, no keep together functionality will be used. When set to true, then all lines of the section must print on the same page or the section will begin printing on the next page.

New Page

Available in all sections. May be set to None, Before, After and Before & After; but defaults to None. Determines if the system should force an advance to a new page before printing that section, after printing that section, before and after printing that section, or not to force an advance to a new page.

No Details

Available in the Fee Detail and Expense Detail sections only. May be set to True or False; but will default to False. When set to True, the Header and Footer of that section will suppress when printed when there is no detail for that section.


Available in the following sections: Bill Header, Bill Footer, Matter Header, Matter Footer, Fee Group Header, Fee Group Footer, Expense Group Header, Expense Group Footer. May be set to True or False but will default to False. When True, the Group Header will print again on each page before its detail prints when the detail prints on multiple pages.

Suppress on First

Available in Page Header and Page Footer sections. Suppress the entire section on the first page. This is a separate property for the Bill Format and any optional components (Cover Page, Banner Page, Expense Attachment, etc.) Each component will have its own page sequence – separate from the other components designed.  For example when a bill has a Cover Page and a Bill Format, the Cover Page may be 3 pages long – and would have a first, middle and last page.  When the Bill Format prints, the page numbering begins again, and the bill itself will have its own first, middle and last pages.

Suppress on Other

Available in Page Header and Page Footer sections. Suppress the entire section on all other pages except the the first page.  This is a separate property for the Bill Format and any optional components (Cover Page, Banner Page, Expense Attachment, etc.) Each component will have its own page sequence – separate from the other components designed.  For example when a bill has a Cover Page and a Bill Format, the Cover Page may be 3 pages long – and would have a first page and other pages. When the Bill Format prints, the page numbering begins again, and the bill itself will have its own first, and other pages.


Available in all sections. Determines the height of the entire section. May be shown in twips or inches as determined in Layout Properties.