Rejected BX submission

Sometimes bills created with Juris BX are rejected.  If this happens to you - follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify that you have the correct format, and the most current version of that format.  The newest formats are available at If you download a new format make sure to import the new format into BX, export, and submit an invoice using the new format.
  2. Verify that the firm address and tax ID information is entered correctly into JurisBX.
  3. Verify that you have filled out any custom fields that might be required.  If a custom field is a field assigned to the firm by an outside source, check with that source to make sure that the value being supplied is correct.
  4. Delete the matter note card that was created for the format and export the bill a second time, supplying new custom fields.  


    Before deleting the note card, write down the information contained there.

  5. If exporting multiple bills to one output file, verify that your client allows multiple invoices in one file.


Vendors do not notify Juris when they change or update their specifications, however, if newer specifications are available for an existing format, the Juris will update that format to meet current specs.