Configuring Users
After the Juris Go Manager is installed, you can then assign licenses to Juris timekeepers.
When you start Juris Go Manager, all Juris timekeepers are listed. You assign licenses by selecting the Go User check box, adding an email address, and entering a strong password. See Strong Passwords Rules for additional details.
User names: By default, Juris Go Manager assigns each timekeeper their Juris Go user name based on the email field from the Timekeepers table in the Juris. Only enter a user name if the email address field in Juris for a timekeeper was left blank. Any addition or change to a timekeeper's email address in Juris Go Manager is written back to the Timekeepers table in Juris. Juris Go Manager enforces a uniqueness constraint so you can't assign the same email address to more than one timekeeper.
Passwords: You must enter a strong password for each timekeeper you want to assign. The user can recover their password when they sign into Juris Go.
Understanding the Juris Go Manager UI
Juris Go Manager contains 2 primary tabs, Users and Local Draft Notifications. The Users tab consists of 3 main areas:
User List: List of Juris Suite timekeepers. When a user is selected, his or her related login details will appear in the Login Details area.
License Count: The number of licenses you have allocated to timekeepers. Licenses are allocated by checking the Go User box.
Login Details: Login credentials for the selected user.
The Local Draft Notifications tab allows you to configure notification settings for users with active Local Draft entries, and consists of 5 main areas:
Enable Local Draft Notifications: Selecting this box will enable the notification feature.
Run Now: This button becomes active as soon as the notification feature is enabled. When clicked, it will send an email notification to the desired recipient immediately but will not affect any current schedule you have set.
Schedule Settings: You can establish a schedule for how often you wish to send email notifications to designated users.
Send notifications to email address(es): Enter the email address for the user(s) you wish to notify. Multiple addresses can be entered when separated by a semicolon (;).
From Email Address: Here you can specify the email address from which you would like the notification to be sent.
Assigning Users
To assign a user in Juris Go:
Open Juris Go Manager from Start menu > All Programs > LexisNexis > Juris Go Manager.
The tool opens with a list of Juris Go users. The following is required to see or license a user:
The user must be set up as both a User and a Timekeeper in Juris.
The User ID and Timekeeper ID must match (If Bob has a User ID of ABC, his Timekeeper ID must also be ABC).
The user must have permissions in Juris Suite to record Time or Expense entries.
A counter below the list shows how many licenses are available for allocation.
Select the user you want to assign.
Select the Go User check box for each user you want to assign a Juris Go license.
If the user does not have an email address listed, type the email address for the user.
The email entered must be unique among all Juris Go users.
The user will enter the email address as the user name when signing into Juris Go on their device.
Enter a strong password for the user. This password is only used with Juris Go.
It must contain between 8 and 16 characters.
It must have at least one upper- and lower-case letter, a special character and a numeral.
The user can change the password in the app after signing into Juris Go.
Click Save to store the email and password for the user.
Select the Send Invite check box if you want the tool to create an invitation email with instructions on getting started.
Click OK to apply the changes and close the tool.
NOTE: Juris Go supports logins to multiple companies. There is a dropdown at the top of the Go Manager screen for a company. The list of eligible timekeepers will be displayed for each company. If a timekeeper work in multiple companies, they must be configured for each. The admin will need to choose which company is that timekeeper's default company.