Payment Vouchers advanced topics


You can add attachments to a payment voucher's expense distribution using the Attachment(s) text box. For more information, see Using Payment Voucher (Expense Distributions) Attachments.


To edit an entry after it has been saved but before it has been posted:

  1. On the Batch Form, select the entry to be edited.
  2. Open the entry by selecting Open from the Form menu or by double clicking on the selected entry.
  3. Edit the entry as necessary.


To delete an entry after it has been saved but before it has been posted:

  1. On the Batch Form, select the entry to be deleted.
  2. Open the entry by selecting Open from the Form menu or double clicking on the selected entry.
  3. On the Entry Form menu, select Delete.

Print Edit List

Mark Ready to Post

To Mark a Batch Ready to Post:

  1. Double click on the Folder containing the Batch(es) to be Posted.
  2. Click on the Unposted Batch to be included.
  3. From the Tools Menu, select Ready To Post.
  4. An Unposted Batch  may also be marked Ready to Post by double clicking on the Batch  to open it and then selecting Ready to Post from the Tools menu.


Print Audit List

Print Batch Log



Matter Status/Lock

A matter’s status in Juris must be ‘O – Open Matter’ or the entry of expense distributions will not be permitted for the matter.  The matter’s lock flag must be:  "Allow time and expenses" or "Disallow time, allow expenses"  or the entry of expense distributions will not be permitted for the matter.