Helps you manage your firm like a business
When basic billing tools may no longer meet your firm’s needs, count on LexisNexis® Juris® time, billing, accounting and financial management software to track and build stronger business results.

Gain greater control
over receivables, payables, trust accounting and budgeting.

Leverage Juris analytical tools
and on-demand performance intelligence.

Help firm leaders
make sound decisions and drive stronger financial performance with deep insight.

Timekeeping and Billing
Juris software successfully provides the diverse timekeeping, billing, e-billing and accounting options that law firms require, along with ease of use and a strong audit trail.
Timekeeping for Your Workflow
Capture more billable time by tailoring your time-entry workflow to work best for you.

Billing that Pays
Accelerate cash flow by expediting bills tailored for your clients and reducing errors, month-end disruptions, adjustments, write-offs, and bad debt.
Electronic Billing
Produce eBills that comply to industry-standard requirements, reducing the headaches, and losing time incurred in dealing with rejected invoices.
Billing Reports
Juris offers all-inclusive drill-down of client matter inquiries. You can generate reports by billing lawyer, originating lawyer, working timekeeper, practice class, billing agreement, office location, etc.
Accounting Disbursements/Accounts Payable Conflict Checking
Meet your firm’s specific accounting needs and increase operational efficiency with flexible Juris accounting tools.
- Juris distinguishes between fees, cash expenses and non-cash expenses while supporting accrual, billed, and cash accounting methods.
- Juris trust accounting tools allow firms to maintain appropriate segregation of client and firm (operational) funds.
- You can define your chart of accounts and multi-level sub-accounts to match your firm’s unique financial and organizational needs.

Disbursements/Accounts Payable
Juris cash management and payables capabilities help you improve cash flow with reporting that shows when resources are needed.
- Use vendor history reporting and inquiries to set maximum payment limits, holding of selected or all payments for problem suppliers, etc.
- Generate checks on demand rather than waiting for batch processing.
- Benefit from audit trails showing descriptions of sources and use of funds for all original and adjusting entries.
- Speed your check reconciliation with automated tools.
And more!

Conflict Checking
The integrated Juris database allows real-time Conflict Search of your matter information.
- Setup options let you select the specific information to include in each search.
- Your selection can include client and matter names, addresses, descriptions, and note cards at the client or matter level containing other special information.
And more!