
Upgrade to Juris® 4.1

Upgrade to Juris® 4.1

The latest software update for Juris customers is the newly released Juris 4.1, under the Juris 4 series, that features more than 13 updates targeting hot keys, added details to simplify the user experience, and new enhancements to streamline cash deposits and workflow.

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Trust Yourself with Trust Accounting

Trust Yourself with Trust Accounting

As attorneys, we understand the general concept of trust accounts, and that misuse of the same can cost us our bar cards. But, do we really trust ourselves with trust accounting? Attorneys who receive retainers from their clients take on the role of a fiduciary, per...

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Reporting Made Easy

Reporting Made Easy

People are paying a lot more attention to creating reports these days, especially with all the new technology available to collect more and more data. Now it seems like there’s a different report for every aspect of your business along with a variety of solutions for...

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